Taylor Swift's Prom Dress
Whit and Taylor Swift pose for photos on MTV's Once Upon a Prom.
Taylor Swift Donates Her Prom Dress
Taylor Swift Prom. Taylor Swift took to her MySpace to talk to her fans
Taylor Swift's Secrets & Tips For Your Prom Magazine
You may not be a teen idol, but you and Taylor Swift have something in
taylor swift prom
TAYLOR SWIFT has donated her prom dress to charity.
Want to Own Taylor Swift's Prom Dress? Thursday 4:06 PM, 09/04/2009
Taylor Swift donates prom dress for charity Washington, April 9: Country
In the run-up to prom time, Taylor Swift gets charitable and donates her own
taylor swift once upon a prom

Who would Taylor Swift take to prom?

It was nice to see Taylor Swift in something other than a red one-shoulder
Taylor Swift Prom Hairstyle Ideas. Taylor Swift Prom Dress
Taylor Swift Auctions Her Prom Dress For Charity
Taylor Swift Prom Hairstyle Ideas 2009
Photo from "Taylor Swift Donates Prom Dress to Charity"
Taylor Swift's Prom Dress to Charity (1); Taylor Swift's dresses for L.E.I
In the flick, the two Taylors play track and field team mates and Prom King