A poem titled, “The Day I Took My Dog to School.
Poem of the Week: PM Comes to School. From: Incognito by Jessica Le Bas
and introduce and practice these poems. At the end of the school year,
School Home

Ben produced some lovely poems at school, which I am sharing with you.
The three poems which will go forward to be judged nationally against other
school-poem-layout (29K)
Listen to today's pupils from The Beragh school reading poems written by the
Obviously poetry was the school's literacy topic but she writes in such a
Click on the links below to read poems written by 5th graders
School's Best Poems
Mark Newbie School, Collingswood, NJ. Medium: Poem
Poems My School: School Days
Sick Poem. A further entry from a pupil at Peek's Chapel Elementary School.
Entry filed under: Poems. Tags: School, School time.
Poems about School - 'Welltread,' 'Leaving school' and 'Dear Mr Lee'
Pound A Poem Competition - News from Read School, a residential boys and
Pete Poems Anthony, Claudia, Crystal and Imogen - Camestone Lower School
Poems to Celebrate the Wild Side of School
10 and a pupil at Peek's Chapel Elementary School in the USA. Sick Poem