Edward Furlong: Arrested, Broke as a Joke

Edward Furlong:
Arrested, Broke as a Joke

Actor Edward Furlong was arrested yesterday for violating a domestic restraining order. Not only that, he's behind in child support ... and he's broke.

Edward Furlong told a judge this morning, "I'm out of money. I'm completely broke."

Edward Furlong, 33, currently stars in the upcoming film The Green Hornet.

Edward Furlong Mug Shot
FOR LONG: Doesn't sound like Ed's troubles are going away soon.

A month behind in child support, Edward Furlong lamented that he has to pay 10 percent to his lawyer, 10 percent to his publicist and 10 percent to his manager.

Think about it. After that, he only has 70 percent of his earnings to blow on stuff other than his kid ... how the heck is he supposed to get by, man?

In his defense, sort of, Furlong says the judge never took this into account when ordering the child support his ex, Rachael Kneeland, requested.

She's requested that he up that sum and spousal support.

The judge didn't decide whether to modify the support agreement, so it remains as is for now. Things aren't looking so hot for Furlong in any case.

Edward Furlong was taken into custody yesterday, after allegedly violating a restraining order by getting too close to Kneeland. Sounds like a fun situation.

Hey, at least he joined our celebrity mug shots gallery. That's got to count for something ... it's a pretty exclusive club. And an awesome one.